NYU MakerSpace Style Guide


As the most recent creation from NYU Tandon school of Engineering, we are aiming to show everything that NYU Makerspace can offer in a visually attractive manner to encourage prospective students, parents and students in general to come to the facility located at Brooklyn.

In order to accomplish this, the website was created using the NYU style guide and incorporates interactive media such as videos and carousels. The website is presented in one page to make it easy for the user to navigate thorugh all the areas that the website has to offer and not miss any detail regarding MakerSpace.

Code Conventions

Naming Conventions

When it comes to coding, we prefer to use words-with-dashes. DO NOT write them using Camel case in order to keep the consistency of the code presentation. For example, when inserting an attribute to a link, do it this way:

---Avoid camelCase---



Include the alt attribute for all images. Since we are targeting a very diverse group of people, we need to make sure that the Screen Readers can work with our websites nicely.

img alt="explain what the image is about" />

Directory Structure

The current files for this website are sorted as shown below:

  • index.html
  • style-guide.html
  • js
    • script.js
  • css
    • style.css
  • img
    • equipment
      • 3d-printers
      • cnc-machines
      • electrical-and-computing
      • laser-cutters
      • MachineShop
      • More
    • icons
      • 3d-printer-printing-letters.svg
      • cnc_machines.svg
      • facebook.svg
      • industrial-robot.svg
      • instagram.svg
      • laser-machine.svg
      • micellaneous.svg
      • microchip.svg
      • snapchat.svg
  • vids
    • intro.mov
    • intro.mp4
    • intro.ogv
    • intro.webm
    • whiteIntro.mov
    • whiteIntro.mp4
    • whiteIntro.ogv
    • whiteIntro.webm



MakerSpace's logo was made using Arial and Arial Black. The rest of the text was done using "Open Sans", sans-serif.


Header 1


Header 2


Header 3


Header 4








3D printers icon

3D Printers


Color Hex RGB CMYK
White #ffffff 255, 255, 255 0, 0, 0, 0
Darkgrey #A9A9A9 169, 169, 169 0,0,0,34
Black #000000 0, 0, 0 0, 0, 0, 100
Light Purple #8901E1 137, 1, 255 39, 100, 0, 12
NYU Violet #57078E 87,7,142 39, 95, 0, 44
Blueberry #140021 20,0,33 39, 100, 0, 87


The website should count with texts of short length. The messages have to be concise, straightforward and clear.

Since this website aims to display more images rather than giving full information of the place (such information is provided in another website), its best to explain things by showing them rather than buying them so avoid text if possible.

Images videos

The images have to be all 900px wide and 600px long in order to keep consistency along the carousels

Type of images that should be used in the website
Fig 1. - This type of image is appropriate to use in the website since it shows one of the main parts of the facility. Its clear and makes the viewer wonder what is there downstairs and behind that desk in the back.
Type of images that should be used in the website
Fig 2. - This type of image is also appropriate to use in the website since it shows an important device from MakerSpace. It is neat and clean. There isn't much decoration in the background.

Layouts and Grids

The website used Bootstrap's framework and grid system. The body is container-fluid to avoid whte margins.

The page is divided in sections labeled with colors and titles, and a navbar that keeps track of where the user is.

MakerSpace's website uses a mobile-first approach

For more information refer to the wireframes.

Nicolas Lopierre Aguirre
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